Our Ministries
Redemptive Life Christian Fellowship wants you and your family to feel connected and at home at our church. Whether you’re single, married, with kids or without, we have something for everyone!
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Youth's Ministries
#RLCFYM: RLCF Youth Ministry:
Mission is teaching the Youth how to infuse God in every aspect of their daily lives by concentrating on who they are in Christ and the impact that has on self, personal relationships, and the greater community.
Scripture: 1 Timothy4:12
EPIC (Endless Possibilities In Christ) Youth Worship:
Is a component of #RLCFYM geared directly towards our youth. It is a youth worship that infuses technology, song, dance, our youth and the Spoken word that engages and meets their needs. It takes place on 2nd Sundays during our 10 am morning worship in the fellowship hall and 5th Sundays in the sanctuary.
College Ministry
As students transition from high school to college, they are trying to figure out the purpose and direction of their lives. The College Ministry encourages young adults to explore questions, define God’s purpose for their lives, become equipped to face the new challenges ahead of them and develop a solid spiritual foundation in their lives. It further is a means of Spiritual support to all the young adults who transition to higher learning.​
Marriage Ministry
When it comes to describing a good marriage, it seems like everyone has an opinion but few seem to be moving forward with purpose. At Redemptive Life, we believe that God designed marriage as a lifelong commitment that offers one of life’s greatest opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

Deacon Ministry
The Deacons Ministry serves alongside the Pastor in all the Spiritual ministries of the church. They are charged with the total oversight of all financial matters of the Church. They proclaim the gospel to the believers and nonbelievers, care for the church and the community, and lead the church in the achievements of its entire mission.
DoorKeepers Ministry
The Doorkeepers Ministry is charged with providing a warm welcome and hospitality to all who enter the doors of the church. Further, they assist in every way necessary to ensure a welcoming worship experience.
Music Ministry: Worship Team
The Music Ministry seeks to enrich our worship experience in praise, worship, and devotion through song. Through the medium of music and song, the Praise Team sets an atmosphere where everyone can center their thoughts on God and be ushered in the spirit of worship.
Audio/Visual Production
The Audio/Visual Ministry Team maintains and operates the sound, lighting, video, streaming and imaging equipment for all worship services and special events. They are responsible for sharing and conveying the worship experience through the many medias we offer.

Guest Services
This ministry is charged with welcoming every visitor that comes to the Church. They serve guests by not only warm welcomes but also through the sharing of materials so that guest feel not only welcome, but at home.
Life Groups
LifeGroups are home-based Biblical studies. Here, members of the Church or friends can have small group discussions in a safe and open environment for the purpose of spiritual growth and Church unity. Classes are held on various nights to meet the needs of the students.
The Hospitality Commission is a team of faithful workers who seek to minister through the preparation and provision of meals for the Church when and where needed. This is a team that not only possesses the Spirit of hospitality, but they are servants of God and God’s people.
Food Pantry Ministry
The Food Pantry Ministry crosses denominational lines and exemplifies the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by providing food the hungry and needy people in the church and community at large. Food disbursements are provided on the third Saturday of each, but also emergency food is always at hand for disbursement.